March 17, 2024

A DJ's Rise, A Student's Fall, and The Path to Self-Reliance

A DJ's Rise, A Student's Fall, and The Path to Self-Reliance

Marco's Journey to Achieving His Dreams

Marco has pursued many passions in his life, from DJing, to acting, to working in mental health. His story illustrates how dedication, hard work, and maintaining balance can help someone achieve their dreams, even when the path has twists and turns.

Marco's DJ Career Takes Off

Marco first started DJing about 10 years ago with his friend Dave Paul. They performed together locally, building up their skills and reputation over time. Marco considers performing a sold-out show at First Avenue in Minneapolis as the pinnacle of his DJ career so far. First Avenue is an iconic venue where Prince first found fame, so Marco was in awe to be headlining there. On the night of the show, he could hardly believe he was walking the same halls Prince once did. The show itself was a smash success, with people traveling from across the country and even overseas to see Marco and Dave Paul perform. One woman flew all the way from Australia just for this show, which blew Marco away. He and Dave Paul tag teamed playing sets so each could enjoy the energy of the crowd during the other's performance. Marco remembers stepping back at one point, taking it all in, and feeling overwhelmed that this dream he had was now a reality. It took years of effort, but he and Dave Paul had made their mark on a stage that launched superstardom.

Balancing Multiple Passions

While Marco hit a high point with his First Avenue show, his passions extend far beyond DJing. He also works as a mental health professional at a local hospital, a career he began shortly after graduating college. Even with his busy DJ schedule, Marco's coworkers are fully supportive of him pursuing this side passion. Marco is grateful to work at a place that encourages him to follow his varied dreams. On top of working at the hospital and DJing, Marco also finds joy in acting. He discovered this passion in high school and continues to audition and take classes when he can. With so many different interests, Marco has to keep an organized schedule to balance it all. He carves out time for DJing, acting, his hospital job, and even Spanish lessons, which he teaches himself in his spare time. Marco believes that by only saying yes to opportunities that align with who he is, he can successfully pursue many joys at once. He has turned down offers that don't fit, so he can focus his energy on those that do. Marco's story shows that with the right balance, you don't have to abandon one dream to achieve another. It is possible to cultivate multiple passions.

A Teacher's Betrayal

Marco's journey to following his dreams wasn't always easy, however. He shared one impactful experience from his sophomore year of high school that threatened his passions. At that time, his grades had started slipping as he began disengaging from academics. He knew he had to improve at least one class grade if he wanted to avoid being forced to join sports teams, which he had no interest in. Marco approached a teacher asking for help turning around his grade in her class. He confessed that his sole motivation was to avoid playing sports by keeping his grades up. The teacher then made a promise that if Marco improved his grade in her class, she would help him join the drama club instead, since he was interested in theater. She also offered to connect him with theater professionals she knew in New York City. Marco worked tirelessly and was able to significantly improve his performance in this teacher's class. However, when he followed up about joining the drama club and getting connected to the teacher's New York City theater contacts, she refused to follow through on her promise. This betrayal from an authority figure Marco had trusted was devastating. He felt like the rug had been pulled out from under him just as he was trying to find his path. For years afterward, Marco struggled with trust issues and felt like he had to tackle life's challenges alone, without relying on anyone else. He now realizes this early experience shaped his tendency to feel directionless and unsupported as a young adult.

Staying Resilient and Following Your Joy

Marco's story has many highs and lows, but ultimately it is one of resilience. He found ways to achieve his dreams of being a successful DJ, while also cultivating other passions in mental health, acting, and beyond. Marco believes if you say yes to the opportunities that bring you joy and fulfillment, you can pursue many passions at once. Of course, the road to following your dreams is rarely smooth. Marco faced a major betrayal in high school that impacted his ability to trust others to help him achieve his goals. But this challenging experience also shaped Marco into a more determined, self-reliant person. He learned not to give up on his dreams, even when he felt directionless or alone. Marco's journey shows that with dedication, passion, and resilience, you can overcome obstacles to achieve your goals. By refusing to abandon the things that bring you joy, you can live a multifaceted life and find success in many areas. Marco's story is an inspiration to stay resilient on the path to making your dreams a reality.

Check out the full version of Episode 104 here